Tagged: iwan rheon

Kit Harington as Jon Snow on HBO's Game of Thrones 0

Everybody needs to stop complaining about Jon Snow spoilers

If you’ve been on Twitter and Facebook for even a couple weeks, you know that people post about movies and TV shows, and those posts sometimes include spoilers. If you truly believe that knowing what happens on a show will destroy your entire life, perhaps it’s best for you to avoid social media (and probably society in general) until you’ve seen the episode. And yes, this post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 6.


Game of Thrones, Outlander, and TV’s rape craze

From Sansa Stark to the brutal finale of Starz’s Outlander, it seems like TV is obsessed with rape these days, but there’s a difference between a scene that’s hard to watch because it’s moving and a scene that’s hard to watch because it’s an unpleasant viewing experience. Here we dive into two of this year’s most famous (or infamous) rape scenes and discuss how sexual assault is presented on TV. Warning: spoilers ahead!