Is it bad that we’re all entertained by Dateline’s To Catch a Predator? I mean, really, when you think about it, we should all be horrified and disgusted by this… yet for some reason I find it entertaining and oddly funny in a way. Am I totally sick? I just think there’s something funny about these predator guys getting busted, learning that it was all a sting, that they’re going to get arrested, and… that they’re also going to be on TV. I find the look on their faces when Chris Hanson comes out from the side hatch to tell them that they’re busted and they’re being filmed to be totally hilarious. I can’t decide if this whole undercover journalism trend is good, if it’s scaring people out of committing crimes, or if it’s just pandering to the lowest common denominator of tv viewer. Either way, I’m in.
check out my sn. like that guy from the show.