13 thoughts on “Pop culture meets politics: Trashwire returns to the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner

  1. Ladies, first of all I loved the pics… I got the site through Perezhilton.com and was hoping to see LC.
    And, with all due respect I will suggest just one thing… that next time you ladies attend a gala like this one-THAT YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get your hair done professionally!

    I’m sorry but that was soooo distracting. Seeing the celebrities so well groomed BUT your hair…

    Sorry just had to give you ladies the needed advice as I hope to receive when I go out in public like that


    I’m sorry but that was soooo distracting. Seeing the celebrities so well groomed BUT your hair…

    Sorry just had to give you guys advice as I hope I get real advice when I go out in public like that


  2. You guys meeting Joel McHale, Perez Hilton, and BJ Novak is pretty awesome. Did you discuss politics w/ the hollywood celebrities and discuss entertainment w/ the politicians? 🙂

  3. you are so rude!!!! why can’t you just be nice? who cares what there hair looks like when they got great pictures with people like joel mchale and kal penn? i think they look good and that you are a bitch for saying that

  4. Juli,

    We DID get our hair done. The problem was that it was very humid and rainy in DC that day and a huge portion of the festivities take place outside. Being half black, any kind of moisture makes my hair go from straight to big frizzy afro in a matter of seconds, and that was pretty much what happened.


  5. Well done ladies!!! I have seen your pics from years past and it looks like you out did yourselves. I also loved how you gave the “high school year book” break down of the events. Not sure I would want my mom and Dennis Hoff in the same room, much less arm and arm.
    Oh and for the record, your hair didn’t distract me at all. Great pics!!!

  6. Alexis: love the commentary and pictures that accompanied the ultimate in HOB NOBERY!!!

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