6 thoughts on “Bigger, Stronger, Faster: a documentary on steroids

  1. This is a great film review! I am sure to put it on my NETFLIX list, because it sounds really well done and fascinating. Thanks Alexis, you always give me great advice for my movie picks.

  2. I never knew there was any “up side” to steroids, but then again I never knew much about them to begin with. I thought long term research had been done. I guess it was just a “cause da jour” for the administration. Like the “war on drugs”, every president seems to come up with some sort of a cause to rally America behind and then we find out latter it’s just a spin, to make them look as if they are making a big difference. I think most men and women on steroids look pretty gross, but it’s their choice and their body. I feel the best advice would be to give America really accurate advice on the real side effects and let us decide to use them or not. I will look for this movie when it comes out on DVD

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