7 thoughts on “Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?

  1. ok I can’t help but comment..
    If you mistook the scene where Marky Mark was begging the plant not to hurt his friends as anything but comic relief.. then you, my friend, are a dumbass.
    Now I won’t say that ‘The Happening’ is great.. but I will say it isn’t nearly as bad as some of you guys are making it out to be. I enjoyed it as a fresh idea for a suspense movie and I appreciated the fact that he’s moving away from his trademark ‘surprise twist’ endings.
    And actually, just to clarify, no one ever runs away when the wind starts blowing.. They run away because people in close proximity start killing themselves due to exposure to the toxin. The wind blowing is an original effort to build suspense in that scene as they leave (think.. similar to a chase scene). Again it wasn’t great, but it was ORIGINAL. Unlike your criticism. Free thought is liberating.. give it a try

  2. 1. Yes, I understood that the fake plant scene was played for comedy. I just think it was horribly done and I actually felt bad for Marky Mark that he had to be in the scene and the movie as a whole.

    2. If you think this is not one of the worst movies ever, or at least of the year, then you must have an unusually high tolerance for garbage and are probably a fan of crap like Battlefield Earth or Exit to Eden.

    3. People do, in fact, start running when the wind blows… but it seems like you’ve actually sat through this piece of crap film more than once, so maybe you know better than me.

    4. I like that you call this film original when it was clearly ripped-off of classic B sci-fi films and eco-conscious disaster movies like The Day After Tomorrow. The only thing original about it was how poorly written it was.

    5. Are you some weird devoted fan who still clings to The Sixth Sense and credits M. Night Shyamalan with being the filmmaker of this decade of this generation? I guess all of us who can see how little talent he has left are just squid brains.


    Night, is that you?

  3. I just saw the trailer for The Last Airbender on TV and literally went to my PC to google “Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?” and this came up. I read and enjoyed this, and I truly feel everyone and anyone considering going into a career in film or something parallel, should have a picture of M.Night hung in their homes somewhere, as motivation that “if this guy can do it…….”

  4. I completely agree with this, since after seeing the commercial for Devil for about the hundreth time i finnaly decided to search “Why does M. Nigh keep making movies”

    I love Avatar: The Last Airbender…the TV show, basically for being a cavalcade of many different themes into one cartoon. Yes its a cartoon, but a very well told cartoon that doesn’t put stress on any one idea. Bit of action, bit of love themes, bit of humour, bit of good storytelling, loveable as well as despicably evil characters, etc.

    I’ve read reviews for The Last Airbender movie and am completely disgusted that some idiot whould even make a movie about it. And the fact that he might possibly make it part of a trilogy like the show is absolutely horrific. Why does this sorry excuse for a filmaker continue to create movies? Saying he is the Kanye West of cinema is an insult to Kanye West. And in case you haven’t noticed my IQ isn’t below the threshold of retardation so not like i like Kanye West either.

    Im sorry if this post sounds like a hater thread, but its completely true, i hate M. Night for ruining a show he probably hasnt seen more than once. I also apologize for any future responses to this post that oppose my opinion, but its an opinion, and last time i checked i was entitled to it.

    Here’s hoping the guys that made Quarantine (The guys that wrote Devil allegedly) will make Devil somewhat decent, and if it turns out horrible, hopefully thats is is the straw that breaks the mediocore, pathetic, and stubbornly arrogant camel’s back.

  5. Why does M. Night Shyamalan keep making movies? I’ll answer your question since no one else has.

    1) His movies make MILLIONS:

    Signs: budget = $72 million, gross = $408 million.
    The Village: budget = $60 million, gross = $256 million.
    The Happening, budget = $48 million, gross = $163 million.
    The Last Airbender, budget = $150 million, gross = $319 million.

    Got the idea? And if you did your research you would know he did not direct “Devil” he just wrote it, but if you want to go there, it’s budget was $10 million, and made $62 million.

    2) He has an audience, a rather large group of fans who enjoy his movies
    and like his work. The studios know this, which is why they finance his
    movies. Same with Tarantino. Not everyone likes his movies, but he has a
    huge audience and he makes millions. If it’s not your cup of tea, don’t
    drink it. I’m not into Monty Python, but that doesn’t mean I hate it,
    nor do I hate the writers. Instead I respect it because it has an
    audience and it makes people laugh.

    3) What else can I say, except haters gonna hate!

  6. I guess the bigger question, then, is why do people keep paying to see this man’s terrible movies.

    Monty Python comedies and Quentin Tarantino’s movies may not have mass appeal, but the writers and the director don’t make the same kind of bumbling errors in plot, pacing and tone that characterize Shyamalan movies. At the same time, both Tarantino and the Python crew have a sense of humor, a quality notably absent from Shyamalan and his movies.

    I can accept the fact that Shyamalan has successfully created a brand that sells to the masses and don’t begrudge him his marketability, I just find the brand really unappealing and even more so because he acts like the Cel-Ray soda he’s peddling is actually a rare champagne that only people with refined palettes can appreciate.

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