1 thought on “Return to Mayhem more teaser than short film

  1. Give the franchise universe a chance by exploring the primary website and its networks at Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Twitter, IMdB, and the character’s section on the universe tab at the primary website for a better understanding of the depth of this material. The original 3-volume graphic novel series was adapted from an original screenplay, which has two sequels and a prequel screen story attached. A forthcoming live action $5 million short film, GENESIS OF EVIL, itself is a preamble to the story told in the graphic novels, and serves as a pitch to studios for a film trilogy. The website hosts an online anthology mini-graphic series leading up to the film. Please contact the series creator, Bryan J. Kinnaird (resides in Phoenix, AZ) for more information or for potential subject matter for a news article or continuing series regarding making such an ambitious film.

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