The Phoenix Film Festival returns to the desert for the 11th straight year from March 31-April 7, 2011 at the Harkins Scottsdale 101 Theatre.
The Phoenix Film Festival has rapidly been growing over the past decade, quickly becoming a favorite of many filmmakers. In past years the festival has showcased films from all over the world from Do It For Uncle Manny in 2002 to (500) Days of Summer in 2009 to Cyrus and Middle Men headlining last year.
This year things will have a new twist as the International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival join forces with the Phoenix Film Festival, giving movie goers the opportunity to see more horror movies than in years past.
The festivities kick off with the documentary Starting at the Finish Line: The Coach Buehler Story on opening premiere night. The documentary tales the tell of Al Buhler, the legendary Duke track and field coach that has touched and inspired the lives of many including Carl Lewis and Shane Battier. The film is executive produced by former Duke stand out and current Phoenix Suns’ starting forward, Grant Hill. Hill will be in attendance along with the film’s director, Amy Unell.
Festival attendees get to take in more than just movie screenings at the Phoenix Film Festival. Festivalgoers will have the opportunity to partake in an evening with Robocop himself, Peter Weller, or enjoy a conversation with Academy Award winner, Cuba Gooding, Jr.
Movies have always been the meat and potatoes of the Phoenix Film Festival though, and this year will be no exception with films from about twenty different countries making the rounds this year including Short Long Journey, a documentary from the Czech Republic, and As If I Am Not There from Macedonia.
The Phoenix Film Festival has a good mix to offer film freaks this year. Whether you’re looking to catch new rising indie stars or see Hollywood veterans like Christopher Walken and John C. Reilly do their thing, the Phoenix Film Festival will most assuredly have something for you.
If you love film and you’re in the Phoenix area, the Phoenix Film Festival is the place to be. For more information and tickets please visit
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