Here’s the latest edition in the growing saga known as Laser Cats, one of my favorite SNL...
Alexis Gentry is the creator and editor of She has been called a “dynamic, talented and unique voice in pop culture” by Ben Lyons of E! and, with her strong fascination with entertainment and penchant for writing, it’s not hard to see why.
It seems that airport security is not quite up to speed on the latest technology. A man...
These days, there are hundreds of ways to watch videos online and sometimes it can be hard...
By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which...
The creators of South Park discuss future projects and the making of South Park. Definitely a good...
A special screening of the new film 21 took place at the Paramount Theater in Austin, TX...
Año Uña is a movie that definitely defies the regular rules of film because it tells the...
If you didn’t see SNL this past weekend, you missed a great Digital Short starring Jonah Hill....