Sketch comedy shows seem to be getting a television revival these days. Editor Alexis Gentry examines...
Alexis Gentry is the creator and editor of She has been called a “dynamic, talented and unique voice in pop culture” by Ben Lyons of E! and, with her strong fascination with entertainment and penchant for writing, it’s not hard to see why.
I always read because that guy is hilarious. I recently saw this post on there and...
Alec Baldwin Calls Dora the Explorer From
Here are a few of our favorite clips from Fuse’s new sketch comedy show The Whitest Kids...
Hot Fuzz: Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Get Lots of Guns by Wil Chinchilla For anyone who...
If you have home delivery, check it out on page 10D for Denver and 5E for Glendale...
Here’s the clip from The Soup after Sanjaya was eliminated
What could make a crowd of distinguished journalists lose their minds like a gaggle of teenage girls?...
Trashwire was at the White House Correspondents Dinner tonight and we took some great pictures with some...