All Is Lost is a survival story of one man, played by Robert Redford, who encounters some...
Pat Sue Gentry
Pat Sue is a contributing writer for, bringing her unique style to film reviews and pop culture commentary. In addition to blogging, she is also Trashwire's primary photojournalist.
This documentary shares the love and life of an unusual artistic couple, Ushio Shinohara and his wife...
Synopsis: In a future where the population is divided by personality types, one young woman classified as...
Most would call this a coming of age drama, but Mud is much more than that! Matthew...
Written, directed and staring Lake Bell, In a World… is a comedy about a struggling vocal coach...
You won’t need to be a big fan of baseball to appreciate this film. 42 is about...
This film is listed as a comedy and drama, but the only comedy to Spring Breakers is...
If your best years were in high school, then you might want to re-think your life. The...
Enough Said is a romantic comedy that centers on some very normal, everyday, middle-aged people coping with...
Matthew McConaughey stars as Ron Woodroof in this biographical drama set in the mid 80’s. Ron is...