Synopsis: Lake Bell stars in ‘In a World…’, a romantic comedy about a struggling vocal coach who...
Pat Sue Gentry
Pat Sue is a contributing writer for, bringing her unique style to film reviews and pop culture commentary. In addition to blogging, she is also Trashwire's primary photojournalist.
‘Jobs’ official trailer out today!
Check out the first full length trailer for “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues” set to open in...
Here’s hoping De Niro kicks Travolta’s ass!
Who knew Brian Williams could get down like this?
Is it a can’t miss when De Niro and Scorsese get together? Check out the trailer for...
Feels like ‘Pineapple Express’ meets the Griswolds, with a little striptease thrown in for good measure.
Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth are about to go on a crazy road trip that ends...