Category: Blog Watch

  • Sanjaya, Larry David, and Jane Fonda

    Trashwire was at the White House Correspondents Dinner tonight and we took some great pictures with some of the famous guests. Check them out right now in our myspace pictures. We’ve got everyone from Jane Fonda to Larry David. And yes, we even got snapped a shot with Sanjaya!

  • Party like it’s 1999

    We just hit 1999 friends on our MySpace profile, if you haven’t already added us, go to our page at and add us as a friend.

  • Dax Flame

    Dax Flame is a YouTube star and possibly one of the most… unique people around. If you haven’t heard of him, go do a search for “daxflame” NOW! It’s best to watch the whole series from the start, but I found one video that I just HAD to post. You have to love this kid.…

  • Who deserves a group slap?

    The other day, Pat Sue and I were having lunch at a restaurant and there was a group of bratty obnoxious pre-teens sitting with their liquored-up parents at a table near us. The kids were making life a living hell for the sweet girl trying to serve them and left without eating a single bite…

  • How could we not support Sanjaya?!

    Sanjaya Malakar is taking the world by storm these days by making little girls cry and getting all the votes on American Idol. The funniest part of all this is how much people are freaking out. People are threatening to sue and claiming that if Sanjaya wins the competition, some real shit’s going to…

  • Trashwire in the Denver Post… Again!

    Alexis’ article about America’s Next Top Model was published in today’s YourHub section of the Denver Post for South Denver. You can also check it out online here at or here on

  • Eddie Griffin Crashes a Ferrari

    The Superficial reported that Eddie Griffin crashed a $1.5 million Ferrari Enzo while practicing for a charity race to promote his new movie, Redline. Griffin is quoted saying: “Undercover Brother’s good at karate and all the rest of that, but the brother can’t drive.” And here’s what The Superficial has to say: I dunno man,…

  • Taking Back Sunday Show off their sweet moves

    I saw this on YouTube and I had to post it here. Someone got footage of Taking Back Sunday from the making of their video for “Set Phasers to Stun” and edited it to N’Sync’s “Pop”. My favorite part: the interpretive dance in the red hallway.

  • The Bad Boys of Hollywood are Wimps

    Pat Sue just posted this on her blog, Hostile Town Folk. We’ve re-posted it here because we’re cool like that. Where are the bad boys of Hollywood? All we hear about is Britney, Lindsey, and the queen of useless whores, Paris Hilton. Where are the boys who regularly broke the law, broke windows in hotels,…

  • New Design

    We’re working on a brand new look for the site. Feel free to click around and check it out. Some pages will still have the old design until we finish with the new one. Let us know what you think on the new Contact Us page. Thanks for visiting
