Category: Blog Watch

  • OJ Talks about ‘If I Did it’

    The Palm Beach Post has an article where OJ Simpson is quoted saying this about If I Did It, a hypothetical book that describes how he would have committed the murders… “if” he had done it. “It made it look too much like an admission of guilt,” Simpson said. “I wasn’t happy with the hypothetical…

  • Can it be possible?

    I can’t be sure about this, because it would be mind-blowingly stupid, but I think I just saw this at TJ Maxx today… There was an older woman at the counter checking us out and a young girl next to her taking the size labels off the hangers and putting them into little bins. The…

  • Poser (It Takes One to Know One)

    I really like the Taking Back Sunday video for “Liar (It Takes One to Know One)”. The song is good and the video is cool and original. These kids decided to make their own version of the video, ripping on their friend Anna (who they hate). Most of it is just ok, but the quick…

  • Omarosa might be the devil

    I’ve never been so horrified by television in my entire life. On tonight’s episode of I Love New York, the arrogance level was cranked up to eleven like something out of Spinal Tap. Not only did we have to hear delusional ranting from New York and her horrible mother, but they were joined by special…

  • Traci Bingham, Serious Actress

    This has been reposted from our TrashwireTV Blog On this week’s Surreal Life tensions ran high as the lines between the a-list and the b-list became clearer. Right off, Traci Bingham was annoying the living hell out of me. The challenge involved tennis, but because Traci is now on the b-list, she wasn’t allowed to…

  • I know someone who made out with a dude on The Real World

    It was bound to happen folks, someone I know was on The Real World! I figured it was only a matter of time what with the show being in Denver and me knowing so many alcoholic twentysomethings. This time, it was a girl named Tess, who I went to high school with. It seems that…

  • Countdown to Rehab

    Greg pointed this out to me a little while ago. It’s a very drunk Paula Abdul trying to do an interview with a local news team in Seattle. I’m beginning the Countdown to Paula Abdul’s Rehab today.

  • American Idol Returns

    America’s favorite talent show returned tonight on Fox. Yes, Seacrest and the gang were back for another round of American Idol. You may wonder what they can do to possibly top the pervious seasons, but every year they promise to raise the bar once again. I’m sure we all agree that the most enjoyable episodes…

  • TV Blog Updates

    The TrashwireTV blog has been updated with a bunch of new stuff. You can check out new posts about The Apprentice LA, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, The Surreal Life Fame Games and play-by-play commentary for the first episode of Armed and Famous. Head on over to the TrashwireTV blog now for all the latest…

  • The TrashwireTV Blog

    For anyone who hasn’t checked out the brand new TrashwireTV blog, head on over to to check it out. Alexis has been updating it like crazy lately with information and reviews of all the latest and greatest trashy reality shows. We’d love to hear your feedback about it.
