Category: Blog Watch

  • Do you like Reality TV?

    If you do, Trashwire has a brand new blog just for you! Inspired by all the positive response to our Big Brother Blog, Alexis recently started, a brand new companion blog to Trashwire that will focus on reality tv. Don’t expect to see coverage of the huge juggernaut shows like American Idol or Survivor…

  • Charlie Rose sacrifices face for MacBook Air

    This isn’t exactly news, but on March 17th, Charlie Rose appeared on his show with a pretty noticeable black eye. Techcrunch solved the mystery by asking the show’s producers: Rose tripped in a pothole while walking on 59th Street in Manhattan. He was carrying a newly purchased MacBook Air and made a quick (but ultimately…

  • The Dark Knight vs Batman

    Lots of people on the internet have been buzzing about this video showing the trailer for the upcoming film The Dark Knight shown side by side with the Batman trailer from 1989. I can’t be totally sure if the ’89 trailer was re-cut to match or if it really is just that similar, but now…

  • Super Hills Me

    In this hilarious video from The Soup, host Joel McHale takes on Morgan Spurlock’s Supersize Me by trying to watch The Hills for 30 days straight. Can he make it?

  • Photos from the 2008 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner

    Article coming soon… for now, check out these pictures of the women of Trashwire with some of the celebrity attendees of the 2008 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. First picture of the night, Trashwire editor Alexis Gentry with Kal Penn of the Harold and Kumar films. Alexis Gentry with Joel McHale of The Soup on…

  • On the set with Johnny Depp

    Trashwire MySpace friend Anne Rakowiecki got to realize a dream when she met Johnny Depp on the Chicago set of his new film Public Enemies. Read her firsthand account and check out her pictures in this special guest contribution. read more | digg story

  • MacBook Air or WMD?

    It seems that airport security is not quite up to speed on the latest technology. A man was recently stopped after security scanners didn’t believe his MacBook Air was a real computer. had the story: Programmer Michael Nygard travels a lot—for business, you see. He’s got his routine down to a science, from airport…

  • Hulu could be awesome

    By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which features network TV and full length movies. I posted a clip on here from Saturday Night Live with Jonah Hill that was up on Hulu. The site provides higher quality video and legit content (no user-created stuff) including…

  • Stuff White People Like

    A couple days ago, a friend showed me Stuff White People Like, a hilarious blog along the lines of Black People Love Us. I would highly recommend checking it out. It’s super funny. Go to to read it.

  • Entertainment Weekly lists 20 Most Appalling TV Shows Ever

    I just had to jump on this one! has published a list of the 20 worst TV shows of all time, including photos. Making the list were some of Trashwire’s favorite trashy reality shows including Britney Spears’ home-made series Chaotic, the Paula Abdul mood-swing-a-thon Hey Paula!, trash classic The Anna Nicole Smith Show, the…
