Category: Blog Watch

  • Happy Holidays from

  • Candy lightbulbs, fun for everyone

    The dollar store can be a magical place. At first glance, it can seem like a shop filled with cheap crap that was probably made by little slave children in some foreign country, things that didn’t sell when they were in a real store, damaged or slightly askew goods, and lame little trinkets that make…

  • What a douche

    The other day, I saw this video of a girl crying on YouTube because someone called her a douche. Since then, she has been labeled “Douche Girl” by the YouTube community at large. I find it so amazing that someone would be this upset about being called a name on a website, after all, that’s…

  • Persuasive writing with Dax Flame

  • Please tell me this isn’t true

    VH1 had this posted on their blog today: Yes, Britney Spears acts totally, effing insane. But it’s not that’s she’s crazy – it’s because she’s pregnant! Again! If this is true, it could mark the start of the apocalypse. They went on to say: According to numerous tabloids, Britney’s been lugging around baby #3 for…

  • ‘Skills Like This’ review in Denver Daily News

  • Miss Universe 1929

    Starz Denver Film Festival Review: Miss Universe 1929 is the story of Lisl Goldarbeiter, the Austrian Beauty Queen who won the title of Miss Universe in 1929. Told using archival footage from her husband Marci Tenczer, the story follows Goldarbeiter from her childhood through her eighties as she becomes a beauty queen, lives through World…

  • Big Brother resurrected by WGA strike?

    Variety reported that CBS could bring back everyone’s favorite summer guilty pleasure a little earlier than expected. It seems that with the writers’ strike, CBS is going to be turning to its reality shows to generate some new programming. BB could return as soon as February and could even be a special Celebrity Big Brother…

  • Happy Halloween

    Enjoy this clip from our favorite YouTube star:

  • SNL – Dane Cook commercials

    I trust that everyone’s seen those Dane Cook commercials that all the major networks were running for the World Series. Last week SNL did a parody of them. Jason Sudeikis’ impression of Dane Cook was crazy spot on, so I thought I’d share.
