Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The upcoming Sex and the City sequel will apparently include Liza Minnelli performing Beyonce’s hit “Single Ladies”. This is just superb!
Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Johan Hill and Brad Pitt all lend their voices to the upcoming Dreamworks 3D animated film MEGAMIND… check out the trailer below.
Ricky Gervais’ partner in crime, quick-witted and lanky Stephen Merchant, was on The Christian O’Connell Breakfast Show on Absolute Radio in the UK. Here, he tries to come up with movie plots based on the fictional titles thrown out by listeners. Let me just say, I can’t wait to see ‘Shrubbery’.
A special Cinco De Mayo message from Robert Rogriguez’s new film MACHETE In theaters Friday, September 3rd from 20th Century Fox
Zach Galifianakis’ latest edition of his web series Between Two Ferns. Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Ben Stiller from Between Two Ferns
This video from SNL Backstage shows Zach shaving his beard for the “Pageant Talk” sketch on SNL. It also shows the speedy application of the fake beard he wore during the closing moments of the show.
Video clips of Alec Baldwin’s Q&A at Boulder International Film Festival… also available on the trashwire facebook page at On 30 Rock More clips after the jump…
Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s new film, Cemetery Junction, is coming out later this year and it looks good. As you probably already know, I’m a HUGE fan of both Gervais and Merchant, so I bring you teasers and trailers for the film. Teaser
Pee-wee Gets An iPad! from Pee-wee Herman