Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
VMA 2009: Britney Spears And Russell Brand VMA 2009: Britney Spears And Russell Brand
This video has been circulating around the web a lot these days and there’s much speculation as to whether Tiger actually farted or if it was, in fact, David Feherty. I say there’s probably an easier way to find the culprit for we all know that he who smelt it is the one who hath…
Part 2 after the jump…
There was simply no way I could NOT post this! Also, I like how some of the videos on YouTube are titled: Bret Michaels Beheaded
Everyone knows I love the Suns and, if you follow me on twitter, you know that I have a recurring theme of tying the Suns to Prince’s outstanding 80s music/movie extravaganza Purple Rain. Never could I imagine that the two things would meet in one place, but now they have… plus a little Michael Jackson,…
There is no denying that is a huge fanboy/girl of Rogen. Well, now we can see how the magic happened when Rogen performs at the Comedy Gym at Vancouver, Canada in 1996. Seth Rogen Stand-Up Age 13
I don’t think flower shop experience can exactly parlay into an internship with Saturday Night Live. Megan McCain’s resume open to public forum.