Category: Celebrity (Blog)

  • Film + Interactive= Happy SXSW

    A definite and important decision that the people that run the SXSW Festival(s) was made for 2009. This year for the first time Film + Interactive was linked for specific panels and areas of the convention. This was absolutely a smart move on their part because film is not so different from Interactive because both…

  • Eddie Murphy to play Richard Pryor in biopic

    On the heels of the post about board games becoming blockbusters, I want to acknowledge this absolute blasphemy. This has been posted all over the internet, but here’s the story from Ain’t It Cool: HitFix and Entertainment Weekly are reporting that Fox Searchlight will finance Bill Condon’s $25 million biopic RICHARD PRYOR: IS IT SOMETHING…

  • From board game to big screen

    From Variety Universal has attached Gore Verbinski to develop “Clue,” a live-action murder mystery based on the Hasbro board game that he would direct. […] “Clue” is one of the few board games to surpass $1 billion in sales, in more than 50 markets. It was developed in England by a retired legal clerk named…

  • Rock Band to make Beatles game

    From Q104.3 Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney hopes a new Rock Band game based on the Fab Four will help to introduce his music to a new generation of kids. The “Hey Jude” hitmakers’ record label Apple Corps. signed a deal with Rock Band manufacturers MTV and Harmonix last year to create a new interactive…

  • The Whitest Kids U’ Know live in Denver

    I have been a fan of the Whitest Kids U’Know since back in the day when the series was on Fuse. Trashwire even featured a piece about the evolution of tv sketch comedy focusing on WKUK as well as other sketch shows like Human Giant and the short-lived Acceptable TV. Last Monday, I capped off…

  • Basketball Diaries from NBA All-Star Weekend

    One big hole in Trashwire has always been the absence of a sports section. As the primary writer for the site, I’m usually too busy writing about which silicone bimbo got the boot from Rock of Love to pay much attention to the wide world of sports, but lately a few sporting events have started…

  • New article on Trashwire – Ricky Gervais and Tina Fey among Golden Globe highlights

    It seems the entire internet has exploded with Golden Globe posts. Everywhere you turn, there are best-dressed lists, photos, behind-the-scenes gossip posts, and highlight lists. Not wanting to be left out, we bring you our top 5 Golden Globe moments. Read the rest at

  • New review on Trashwire – The bottomless pit of Celebreality

    New article on Trashwire! Alexis’ review of Rock of Love Bus… Whenever I think reality tv has hit rock bottom, something new comes on that takes it to an all new low. The latest contender is Rock of Love Bus on VH1. The show follows Bret Michaels (who used to be known for being the…

  • Vanilla Ice at the Pepsi Center

    Here’s a few clips of Vanilla Ice performing live at the Pepsi Center during halftime at the Denver Nuggets game tonight. Totally the highlight of my week! While he was on stage, I flashed back to myself as a kid in the early 90s dancing to this song and thinking he was so hot. Then…

  • Why does M. Night Shyamalan get to keep making movies?

    Trey Parker once sang, “Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?” and after seeing The Happening on DVD, I’m beginning to think the same thing about M. Night Shyamalan. Once the brilliant young newcomer, Shyamalan’s talent seems to have completely dissipated, leaving only ego and self-importance. Like the Kanye West of cinema,…
