Category: Celebrity (Blog)

  • DVD commentary tracks can be the best special feature

    For years now, I’ve been quite the DVD commentary enthusiast. It began with the drunken track on the Cannibal: The Musical DVD featuring intoxicatingly funny conversation from an intoxicated Trey Parker and Matt Stone. That track showed that commentaries can be genuinely “special” features… if filmmakers use them to their full potential. Read More |…

  • Gerard Way reviews The Pick Up Artist 2

    Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. I know Trashwire always has much love for My Chemical…

  • Starz Denver Film Festival: a cinematic paradise

    The 31st Starz Denver Film Festival is in full swing and, this year, I’ve had a very inside look at all the behind-the-scenes action. With my new job at the Denver Film Society, I’ve been able to watch this year’s fest grow from a tiny seed into a gigantic tree of cinematic enjoyment. Read More…

  • Celebrity Rehab proves strangely addictive

    Rodney King and Gary Busey walk into a bar… Actually, they don’t walk into a bar because they’re both patients on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Yes, this new season brings us another cadre of dysfunctional celebrities trying to get sober, or rather, to get more screen time. The patient list includes Busey, King,…

  • Danny McBride brings home the bacon

    Danny McBride is like the bacon on a cheeseburger. Without it, the burger is still good, but there’s just something even more delicious when you slap a couple pieces of bacon on top. Like the extra flavor from the bacon, McBride brings that extra level of funny to everything he touches. I first took notice…

  • The VMA debacle

    Trashwire’s own Pat Sue Gentry shares her thoughts on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards… Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture.  The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. At times it was more like…

  • Rock of Love 3?!

    From Perez Hilton… This should come as no surprise! Brett Michaels and that chick who won Rock Of Love 2 have broken up. And, as that news “breaks”, Vh1 has announced that it is bringing the reality show back for a 3rd season. At this point, does anybody still care????

  • All Harrison Ford movie posters are created equal

    While browsing Netflix today, I discovered that the poster/cover art for almost all Harrison Ford movies is pretty much the same. It’s a picture of Ford, usually in black and white but sometimes in color, furrowing his brow and looking kind of concerned. Then there’s some kind of red text or additional graphic element to…

  • Joe Rogan proves he’s a pro at Comedy Works in Denver

    You may think Joe Rogan is a crass, misogynist, loud-mouth. You may think his act is all dick jokes or something along the lines of a revamped Andrew Dice Clay. After seeing Rogan perform at the Comedy Works in Denver last night, I can assure you that, if you do assume all those things, you’re…

  • John Mayer is Antonio Sabato Jr.’s weak twin

    From I actually sat down a watched an episode of Celebrity Circus last night and noticed that contestant and former male supermodel Antonio Sabato Jr. looks a lot like a certain guitar weilding pop dude. Yes, with his new haircut and model-ish poses, John Mayer is really starting to resemble Sabato.
