Category: Celebrity (Blog)

  • Jenna Jameson talks politics, porn and Zombie Strippers

    Check out this video of Jenna Jameson going on The View to promote her new film. I don’t know how exactly Zombie Strippers exhibits a political undertone, but according to Jenna Jameson, the film is anti-Bush admin. The old broads on the show were shockingly nice to her, even horrible Elizabeth didn’t really diss her…

  • Videos from the My Chemical Romance show in Denver

    Since I talked about it so much, I thought I’d post these videos I found on YouTube of the My Chemical Romance concert in Denver 4/14/08. I was in the front and couldn’t sneak a camera, but apparently people in the back got some decent footage. Sleep My Way Home is Through You The Jetset…

  • My Chemical Romance : Rock Superheroes

    It’s hard for me to write a review of a My Chemical Romance show without filling it with hyperbole and grand statements about how they are the greatest band ever. After seeing them last March at Magness Arena during their giant tour supporting The Black Parade, I was beyond excited to get another chance to…

  • Daisy is from Denver

    Daisy from Rock of Love was interviewed on Denver’s Fox31 a couple days ago because, apparently, she is from Colorado. Thanks to Eric at Brofax for the tip. View the full interview here.

  • Happy birthday Gerard Way

    It’s pretty obvious at this point that I love My Chemical Romance. Today just happens to be the 31st birthday of everyone’s favorite “savior of the broken the beaten and the damned”, lead singer Gerard Way. I’ll be covering the upcoming My Chemical Romance show in Denver on the 14th, so stay tuned. Die hard…

  • Bret Michaels without his bandanna

    This is as rare as a total eclipse, so I had to document it. Bret Michaels removed his man-danna on Rock of Love the other day and the internet is already buzzing about his “hair”. UPDATE: We wish Bret a speedy recovery. He’s provided us with hours of great reality TV, from Rock of Love…

  • The return of… Laser Cats

    Here’s the latest edition in the growing saga known as Laser Cats, one of my favorite SNL Digital Shorts. Laser Cats 3 Bonus video: Andy Samberg as the pregnant man on Weekend Update.

  • I’m dating your dad – behind the scenes

    One more reason to love Hulu

  • Hulu could be awesome

    By now I’m guessing a lot of you have heard about Hulu, the new video site which features network TV and full length movies. I posted a clip on here from Saturday Night Live with Jonah Hill that was up on Hulu. The site provides higher quality video and legit content (no user-created stuff) including…

  • AV Club Interview – Trey Parker & Matt Stone

    The creators of South Park discuss future projects and the making of South Park. Definitely a good read for any fan of the series. read more | digg story
