Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
South Park’s Animation Director, Eric Stough, spoke at the University of Colorado Boulder about the animation process and the history of the beloved animated show. Read more | Digg it
Kathy Griffin became my hero at the Emmys when she gave her acceptance speech. Check this out!
I trust that you’ve all seen this by now: And now we have this hilarious parody by Seth Green: Seth Green Chris Crocker Outtakes Add to My Profile | More Videos
Most of you know by now, but Kanye west had a little hissy fit at the VMAs after he lost all his awards. Now there’s video. Check it out. Wow, now that’s classy. Kanye is a real America hero. He’s easily one of the most arrogant human beings in the known universe, and a…
When she’s not pulling a Mel Gibson and blaming the Jews (Sarah Silverman) for her shitty performance, Britney Spears makes up lots of other excuses for why she sucked so hard. First, it was that Silverman’s jokes were harsh and she was pissed about it, so she chose to do a really bad performance in…
Working with the Colorado Film Commission has its perks. We just got this in today. Any Trashwire readers in the Denver area should definitely check this out. NowhereLand Extras Wanted! Extras needed for movie shooting in Denver September 30- October 12!!! “NowhereLand”, a major motion picture starring Eddie Murphy, needs 1000+ paid extras. All types,…
Several sources are reporting that Britney Spears is blaming Sarah Silverman for her horrible performance at the VMAs last night. One of my favorite sites, What Would Tyler Durden Do, had links to several articles that claim Spears was so upset about Sarah Silverman’s jokes that her children were mistakes that she decided to…
Britney’s lackluster “comeback” was just a microcosm of the entire show: boring, predictable, and that special brand of annoying that MTV has perfected over the years. Read more|Digg it
Another great one I saw at the Toofy Film Fest. I love TBS and I’ve seen this online, but was super awesome to see in a theater.