Category: Celebrity (Blog)

  • Gerard Way is married

    Most of you can just ignore this post, but for fangirls and MCRmy kids, this is big, breaking news. Gerard and Lyn-Z got married IN DENVER! on September 4th. Here’s proof: Imagine learning that something like this happened backstage at a concert you were at?! Wow! Now I’m really regretting the fact that I didn’t…

  • Superbad is super funny

    Superbad has made quite a splash at the box office this summer, grossing over $68.6M domestically since it’s release just over a week ago. Thankfully, this is one film that truly lives up to all the hype. Read More | Digg it!

  • Tommy Wiseau is at it again

    Tommy Wiseau, the “genius” behind The Room, is back with another project. This time, he stars as Charlie in The Neighbors, a sitcom which is described on the official website as, “a sitcom consisting of relationship between a group of neighbors who live in an apartment building.” The plot synopsis goes on to say this:…

  • WKUK Season 2 Production Pics

    The Whitest Kids U’ Know are currently shooting their second season, this time for IFC instead of Fuse. (Read more about that here) The good news is that they’re posting pictures from the production every day on their site at Go check them out or find out more details about season two fromTimmy’s blog

  • Trapped in the Closet – Chapter 14

    DIGG IT or read more about Trapped in the Closet on TRASHWIRE.COM. Every day, is posting new episodes of Trapped in the Closet. While I don’t have time to cover them all, I’m going to try to keep up with R.Kelly’s Jerry-Springer-like saga here on the blog. The latest chapter can be found here:…

  • Trapped in the Closet returns!!!

    It’s baaaaaack! R.Kelly is back with MORE chapters of Trapped in the Closet on I posted a blog a while ago (The Whitest Kids and R. Kelly head to IFC) about the web series, and now it’s finally here. Check it out at This time around, R. Kelly is pulling an Eddie Murphy…

  • “She’ll never be part of The Coreys”

    ‘The Two Coreys’ is a new “reality” show on A&E that stars former 80s stars Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. The show could have been a fantastic celebreality guilty pleasure, were it not so hopelessly contrived. Every episode is less like a reality show and more like a poorly written sitcom, minus the laugh track.…

  • The Death of Daxflame? 🙁

    Nooooooo!! Apparently this is the last video for youtube star Daxflame. If this is true you will never again get a chance to see him in his short pants, suit combo. 6 Hours ago from this post was when Daxflame made his exit from his youtube channel, although it still is not deleted at all…

  • Why I love The Lonely Island

    Before the guys of The Lonely Island were out writing for SNL and making feature films like Hot Rod, they were making some of the funniest stuff on the web. Check out these great episodes their web sitcom. Episode 1: White Power Episode 2: Regarding Ardy View more sketches, digital shorts, and music videos at…

  • Nick Swardson in ‘Wig Thieves’
