Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Patton Oswalt has one of the best blogs on MySpace. Between his blog and Timmy Williams’ blog, you’ll be endlessly entertained. Here is a recent excerpt from a recent blog post on Patton’s blog: While I was waiting for the SUV to take me back to my car, I got waylaid by one of the…
Sketch comedy shows seem to be getting a television revival these days. Editor Alexis Gentry examines AcceptableTV, Human Giant, and The Whitest Kids U’ Know. Check out the article and view clips from the shows here on
Alec Baldwin Calls Dora the Explorer From
Ok…. one more WKUK video.
If you have home delivery, check it out on page 10D for Denver and 5E for Glendale and South Denver. If you don’t have home delivery, view it here on or on with bonus pictures.
Here’s the clip from The Soup after Sanjaya was eliminated
What could make a crowd of distinguished journalists lose their minds like a gaggle of teenage girls? Trashwire found out at this years White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in DC. Read it HERE on
Trashwire was at the White House Correspondents Dinner tonight and we took some great pictures with some of the famous guests. Check them out right now in our myspace pictures. We’ve got everyone from Jane Fonda to Larry David. And yes, we even got snapped a shot with Sanjaya!
What the hell is this? Like, seriously. What is wrong with this girl?!