Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
A giant lion? An animal hoarder? Chuck Norris? Maybe it’s Justin Bieber? The cast of Super 8 discusses some of the craziest theories about the Super 8 mystery creature trying to escape from the train.
Last night marked the kick off of the 2011 RuPaul’s Drag Race tour in our fair city of Denver. Nina Flowers was in the house to watch Yara Sofia, Manila Luzon and season 3 winner Raja wow the crowd at Tracks. Check out our video clips under the jump (in chronological order so you can…
Barack Obama sent Navy Seal Team 6 to take out Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad and made a statement confirming it on Sunday night. Former President George W. Bush finally responds to who and what has been terrorizing him for years….
Chances are, you missed the last half of The Celebrity Apprentice because you were busy listening to the President tell you about the most important thing to happen in the past 10 years. Don’t worry all you comb-over, birth certificate demander, f-bomb dropping, yelling billionaire fans! Now you can watch the full episode right here…
The guys from Hanson practice “Ice Ice Baby” and “Achy Breaky Heart”. It’s like a pop culture explosion!
Pee Wee Herman recently met up with Snoop Dogg and famous pimp Bishop Don Magic Juan to snap a few pics with his new 3D camera. Worlds are colliding! Worlds, Jerry!
Check out this new video with loads of behind-the-scenes footage from the set of The Hobbit.
Trashwire friend Nancy Kivlen remembers Elizabeth Taylor in this blog submission… When most kids were going camping for the weekends with their families, my mom and dad were taking me and (usually) a friend up to Julie Andrews house and heading to the Beverly Hills Polo lounge to drink and look for movie stars! Liz…
Academy Award winner Kate Winslet stars as Mildred Pierce in the HBO miniseries, which kicks off at 9pm ET tonight on HBO. The 1945 film version, adapted from the 1941 novel by James M. Cain, won Joan Crawford an Academy Award. Check out this making-of featurette after the jump.
NEW YORK, March 8th, 2011 – Production has begun, on East Coast locations, on a Focus Features drama from Academy Award-nominated writer/director Paul Weitz. The as-yet untitled film stars two-time Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and is based on Nick Flynn’s 2004 memoir entitled Another Bulls—t Night in Suck City. Focus CEO James Schamus…