Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Some people say that women aren’t funny. In fact, in the grand history of comedy, women have been mostly relegated to playing girlfriends and wives of the leading men. Even today, many of comedy’s female stars are considered hot chicks first and comediennes second. If Hollywood does make a movie with a predominately female cast,…
Barack Obama sent Navy Seal Team 6 to take out Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad and made a statement confirming it on Sunday night. Former President George W. Bush finally responds to who and what has been terrorizing him for years….
Tomorrow’s episode is entitled “HUMANCENTiPAD”. I guess we all should have known Trey Parker and Matt Stone would have to do something about the iPad craze and, of course, tie it in with Human Centipede. Watch a quick preview under the jump…
Our review of Bridesmaids, starring Kristen Wiig, hits Trashwire May 13th. For now, check out this trailer and tell us if you’re excited to see the movie.
The new film Super, starring Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler and Kevin Bacon is available on demand now. Here’s a quick synopsis: In the outlandish dark comedy SUPER, James Gunn has created what is perhaps the definitive take on self-reflexive superheroes. When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson) sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler) willingly…
Making a sword and sorcery comedy with Oscar-caliber actors can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you know you’ve got the best, most talented, and highly acclaimed cast available, but occasionally, they can make silly lines sound a little too professional. David Gordon Green’s Your Highness benefits and suffers from talent.
Let’s just say you’re on a flight from LAX to JFK. You’ve got 5 hours and your laptop battery is halfway dead. Then the flight attendants hand out the headphones and tell you your in-flight entertainment will be the remake of Arthur, starring Russell Brand. Or maybe it’s late on a work night and you…
Any movie written by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, starring Seth Rogen and Kristen Wiig and featuring a scene set at Comic Con is right up my alley, so naturally, I was very excited for Paul. The film is a hilarious mixture of E.T. and Pineapple Express with a little Shaun of the Dead throw in…
Our review for Paul is coming Friday, but you can watch the trailer for the film right now. Video after the jump…
Here’s the trailer for the much-anticipated sequel to The Hangover.