Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Here’s this week’s Stefon sketch featuring Bill Hader and Seth Meyers:
Films that deal with mental illness often take one of two paths: they go for light hearted comedy, joking about inappropriate outbursts or hallucinations, or they take the tragic route and focus on the ways mental illness can destroy families or shatter the lives of its victims. It’s Kind of a Funny Story combines these…
Normally, I don’t care for Kat Von D, but this Funny or Die video is definitely worth checking out. Interactive Lower Back Tattoos from Kat Von D
Pee-wee Goes to Sturgis from Pee-wee Herman
Our review of Scott Pilgrim vs the World is up now on! Click HERE to read it! Fatluggage’s interview with the Scott Pilgrim cast is HERE
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it: Scott Pilgrim vs the World is one of my favorite movies this year. The quick editing, unique visual style, impressive cast and seeing Michael Cera take a welcome departure from the usual charmingly befuddled geeky character make this film a total knock out.
Since we just published our Scott Pilgrim vs the World cast interview, here’s another interview with the cast that didn’t go so well.. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World vs. Funny or Die from Michael Cera Ah, more reasons to love Funny or Die.
Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera of Scott Pilgrim vs the World give the weather forecast for the local FOX affiliate in Atlanta: Thanks to Fatluggage for pointing this out. Click HERE to read Fatluggage’s interview with the Scott Pilgrim cast on
Just another reason I can’t wait for the next season of Eastbound & Down! Warning, this is not exactly safe for work. Kenny Powers Gets Signed By K-Swiss – watch more funny videos