Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
A reporter trying to cover fan reactions to Michael Jackson’s death was rudely interrupted by an inebriated idiot several times during his broadcast. Finally, enough is enough and he smacks the guy. I say, right on! Reporter Slaps Drunk Fan – watch more funny videos
Bradley Cooper has fittingly described his new film The Hangover as “Bachelor Party meets Memento” because the comedy takes the familiar storyline of inebriated pre-matrimony adventures and flips it around with the complexity of Christopher Nolan’s acclaimed mystery. Instead of showing the drunken debauchery, the story focuses on the three main characters waking up to…
Thanks to Keith for showing me this!
Since I posted the episode with Michael Cera, I thought it only fitting to post this one, starring Danny McBride and narrated by Jen Kirkman. Drunk History vol. 3 – Featuring Danny McBride from Danny McBride
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Thanks to Amy (AKA @DigitalRoyalty) for tweeting the link to this video
As I sit on the couch with my fiancé, sifting though bevy of reality shows and soap operas on our DVR, I wonder to myself how television has come to this. Now, I’m not saying that reality shows are the death of television, if I were I’d be one of the pallbearers who every Tuesday,…
Everyone knows I love the Suns and, if you follow me on twitter, you know that I have a recurring theme of tying the Suns to Prince’s outstanding 80s music/movie extravaganza Purple Rain. Never could I imagine that the two things would meet in one place, but now they have… plus a little Michael Jackson,…
Late Line Special Report – Snuggies: Warm, Comfortable, Deadly? – watch more funny videos