Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
I LOVED last night’s episode of 30 Rock, but this little moment was my favorite…
There is no denying that is a huge fanboy/girl of Rogen. Well, now we can see how the magic happened when Rogen performs at the Comedy Gym at Vancouver, Canada in 1996. Seth Rogen Stand-Up Age 13
Parks and Recreation is basically a new version of The Office. There is absolutely no difference in the style, presentation, or punchline. The only real difference is that the majority of the comedy heavy-lifting is placed on Amy Poehler who has ultimately been dealt an undeveloped character. posted this today … Rogen indulged the possibility of a “Pineapple Express” sequel. “Of all the movies we’ve done, that’s the only one that I would actually like to do a sequel to and we talk about it,” Rogen told us…. As someone who LOVED that film and is a huge fan of Rogen,…
As Twitter-mania reaches new levels, Slate V presents a mockumentary about a company that wants to take microblogging to the next level. This is way funny for anyone as obsessed with twitter as I am.
I was planning on writing a blog post about last night’s “Fishsticks” episode of South Park, but the ever-so-clever Michael K from DListed has beat me to the punch. Here’s a quick bite: The words “gay” and “fish” usually cancel each other out, but Matt & Trey made it work on South Park last night.…
All you loyal Trashwire readers have probably read Wil’s review of Observe and Report from SXSW. Well now you have a chance to form your own opinion and see the film in Denver…. FOR FREE! Screening is tonight, April 6th at 7pm at UA Denver Pavilions.
Super funny, but also NSFW. RENO 911! Weds 10:30p/9:30c Workin’ It – Internet and E-Mail Joe Lo Truglio Funny Cop Videos
This is one of my favorite things ever. That’s really all I have to say. If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see it immediately! There are tons of clips on YouTube (just search Tommy Wiseau or The Room) and it’s available on Amazon.