Category: Comedy

  • Steve Nash Presents SuperBADGE

    Steve Nash directed this short film starring Shaq and Alando Tucker (and Goran Dragic, Robin Lopez and Leandro Barbosa), some pretty rad wigs, and a green screen. This came out a few days ago, but I just realized I hadn’t posted it here. Definitely worth checking out

  • 30 Rock – Night Cheese

    I LOVED last night’s episode of 30 Rock, but this little moment was my favorite…

  • Seth Rogen Stand-Up At Age 13

    There is no denying that is a huge fanboy/girl of Rogen. Well, now we can see how the magic happened when Rogen performs at the Comedy Gym at Vancouver, Canada in 1996. Seth Rogen Stand-Up Age 13

  • Amy Poehler carries the load in ‘Parks and Recreation’

    Parks and Recreation is basically a new version of The Office. There is absolutely no difference in the style, presentation, or punchline. The only real difference is that the majority of the comedy heavy-lifting is placed on Amy Poehler who has ultimately been dealt an undeveloped character.

  • Pineapple Express sequel? posted this today … Rogen indulged the possibility of a “Pineapple Express” sequel. “Of all the movies we’ve done, that’s the only one that I would actually like to do a sequel to and we talk about it,” Rogen told us…. As someone who LOVED that film and is a huge fan of Rogen,…

  • Nano-blogging the next big trend?

    As Twitter-mania reaches new levels, Slate V presents a mockumentary about a company that wants to take microblogging to the next level. This is way funny for anyone as obsessed with twitter as I am.

  • Do you like fishsticks?

    I was planning on writing a blog post about last night’s “Fishsticks” episode of South Park, but the ever-so-clever Michael K from DListed has beat me to the punch. Here’s a quick bite: The words “gay” and “fish” usually cancel each other out, but Matt & Trey made it work on South Park last night.…

  • Free screening of Observe and Report in Denver

    All you loyal Trashwire readers have probably read Wil’s review of Observe and Report from SXSW. Well now you have a chance to form your own opinion and see the film in Denver…. FOR FREE! Screening is tonight, April 6th at 7pm at UA Denver Pavilions.

  • Internet and email tips from Reno 911!

    Super funny, but also NSFW. RENO 911! Weds 10:30p/9:30c Workin’ It – Internet and E-Mail Joe Lo Truglio Funny Cop Videos

  • The Room Rap Song by The Brooklyn Doctors

    This is one of my favorite things ever. That’s really all I have to say. If you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see it immediately! There are tons of clips on YouTube (just search Tommy Wiseau or The Room) and it’s available on Amazon.
