Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
It should come as no surprise that Jason Reitman has made another stellar film. His first feature, Thank You For Smoking, was a satirical delight adapted from a Christopher Buckley novel and now Juno, written by the insanely talented Diablo Cody, is further proof that Reitman is a master of cynical comedy. read more |…
It should come as no surprise that Jason Reitman has made another stellar film. Juno, written by the insanely talented Diablo Cody, is one of the best comedies in years. Juno is the story of Juno MacGuff (Ellen Page), a witty teen who discovers she is pregnant after a romantic encounter in a recliner with…
Max Solomon has just finished his last play and come to the awful realization that he’s just not that good at being a playwright. While dining with his friends, he decides to rob a bank and discovers that larceny might be his best skill. That’s the basic plot of Skills Like This, a quirky comedy…
I’ve become a total 30 Rock addict lately, watching the whole first season a zillion times on DVD and Netflix Instant Watch. Season 2 is even better… and available for free on Still, this is my favorite clip of all time:
Enjoy this clip from our favorite YouTube star:
I trust that everyone’s seen those Dane Cook commercials that all the major networks were running for the World Series. Last week SNL did a parody of them. Jason Sudeikis’ impression of Dane Cook was crazy spot on, so I thought I’d share.
For the past couple weeks, I’ve been watching a ton of Kevin Smith movies. There’s no real reason for it, I just started watching ‘Dogma’ one day and then decided to check out all the other Kevin Smith stuff I had sitting on my shelf. Since then, I’ve become weirdly obsessed with checking out the…
You can get free tickets to a pre-screening of the film at This looks to be one of the funniest films to hit theaters this year and you have the chance to catch it before it’s officially released on December 14th. We lucked out and got tickets to it at the 30th Starz Denver…
I’m SOOOO excited to see this film. First, I think Jason Reitman’s a great director. Second, it has Michael Cera, who is super funny in a very sweet and genuine sort of way (just look at Superbad). Third, it has Jason Bateman and Cera together for the first time since they both starred in the…