Category: Comedy

  • Taking Back Sunday’s “12 Days of Christmas” (animated)

    Another great one I saw at the Toofy Film Fest. I love TBS and I’ve seen this online, but was super awesome to see in a theater.  

  • Lines, a short film by Sonja Jasansky

    This is a short that I really enjoyed from the Toofy Film Fest in Boulder, CO. This one is called ‘Lines’ and it was directed by Sonja Jasansky.

  • ‘Superbad’ is super funny

    Superbad has made quite a splash at the box office this summer, grossing over $68.6M domestically since it’s release just over a week ago. It’s also become one of the most hyped movies around and is currently ranked at #1 on IMDb’s MOVIEMeter Top 10 list. Critics are saying that it could usher in a…

  • Superbad is super funny

    Superbad has made quite a splash at the box office this summer, grossing over $68.6M domestically since it’s release just over a week ago. Thankfully, this is one film that truly lives up to all the hype. Read More | Digg it!

  • Flight of the Conchords and HBO agree to second season

    I found this recently on The Flight of the Conchords and HBO have agreed to a second season of their Sunday night comedy television show, starring New Zealand folk duo Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. The current season has three episodes left, and looks set to have special guest appearances by Todd Barry and…

  • South Park’s Cartoon War

    South Park’s epic 10th season is coming out on DVD tomorrow, so I thought it was fitting that I run this article from the archives. Season 10 had so many great episodes, but I was particularly fond of “Cartoon Wars” for taking on the very network that airs the show…. oh, and for totally…

  • Eagle vs Shark trailer

    [kml_flashembed movie=”″ width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you’re missing out big time. Find out if it will play in your city at And yes, that’s Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords.

  • WKUK Season 2 Production Pics

    The Whitest Kids U’ Know are currently shooting their second season, this time for IFC instead of Fuse. (Read more about that here) The good news is that they’re posting pictures from the production every day on their site at Go check them out or find out more details about season two fromTimmy’s blog

  • Daxflame is Back!

    Daxflame has actually decided to stay. Well I am so glad that he came back but now your daily dose of Daxflame will only be a bi-weekly dose. That’s right Daxflame will no longer be continuing a daily blog. In this video Dax explains his reasoning to come back to Youtube and a solution to…

  • The Death of Daxflame? 🙁

    Nooooooo!! Apparently this is the last video for youtube star Daxflame. If this is true you will never again get a chance to see him in his short pants, suit combo. 6 Hours ago from this post was when Daxflame made his exit from his youtube channel, although it still is not deleted at all…
