Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
“Hello, I’m Nasty and I’ll be your bitch today” is the kind of greeting you can expect at Bump & Grind Café in Denver. A group of women came in shortly after my party was seated and Secretia Pheromones, another member of the colorful staff, yelled out “Hello lesbians!” Needless to say, my guests and…
I have been a fan of the Whitest Kids U’Know since back in the day when the series was on Fuse. Trashwire even featured a piece about the evolution of tv sketch comedy focusing on WKUK as well as other sketch shows like Human Giant and the short-lived Acceptable TV. Last Monday, I capped off…
The 31st Starz Denver Film Festival is in full swing and, this year, I’ve had a very inside look at all the behind-the-scenes action. With my new job at the Denver Film Society, I’ve been able to watch this year’s fest grow from a tiny seed into a gigantic tree of cinematic enjoyment.
You may think Joe Rogan is a crass, misogynist, loud-mouth. You may think his act is all dick jokes or something along the lines of a revamped Andrew Dice Clay. After seeing Rogan perform at the Comedy Works in Denver last night, I can assure you that, if you do assume all those things, you’re…
Italian filmmaker Dario Argento is hailed by film geeks as a pioneer of bloody horror movies. In fact, he is even proclaimed a master in a great scene from Juno. While my fellow film nerds have given him a cult following, his newest film, The Mother of Tears, should appeal to all audiences who love…
Eric Stough is not Trey Parker’s little brother, though many people believe he is because he looks and behaves like the sweeter, younger version of the South Park co-creator. In fact, Stough, the inspiration for the Butters character, has been close friends with Parker since middle school and is, in many ways, the fifth Beatle…
Toofy Film Fest is a fun mix of fashion, music, art and film. The festival includes fashion shows, live music performances, and two days of film screening at the Boulder Theater. The films at Toofy are a refreshing break from the big-budget blockbusters that are in theaters during the summer.
This past Thursday, I had the opportunity to go to the Taking Back Sunday concert at the Fillmore here in Denver. It was sunny outside, the line wasn’t too long, and venue is only a few blocks from my house, so I was really excited to go.