Category: DVD

  • The MPA Movie Rating System: From PG-13 To NC-17

    The MPA Movie Rating System: From PG-13 To NC-17

    In this episode of the Whatcha Watchin podcast, Alexis and Kt Baldassaro from MovieRuntime discuss the history of the MPA movie rating system and whether or not it still matters in the streaming age.

  • Jason Momoa’s ‘Road to Paloma’ a must-see indie

    Jason Momoa’s ‘Road to Paloma’ a must-see indie

    I’ve worked for a film commission, for a film society, and for a film festival, so I have seen my fair share of independent films. Typically indies fall into two categories: the undiscovered gems, and the oh-my-god-your-poor-family-mortgaged-their-house-for-this variety. Thankfully, Jason Momoa’s Road to Paloma falls into the first category with spectacular visuals, an emotional storyline,…

  • Special features better than actual movie on Invention of Lying DVD

    It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Ricky Gervais. From the original version of The Office to his uniquely hilarious turn hosting the Golden Globes this year to his incredibly funny podcasts with writing partner Stephen Merchant and round-headed friend Karl Pilkington, Gervais has proven to be a comedic master. His directorial debut…

  • It’s a Very Sunny Christmas

    If one of your favorite holiday traditions involves throwing rocks at trains then It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: A Very Sunny Christmas might be just the Christmas special for you. The special, exclusively on DVD and Blu-ray, brings the same TV-MA humor that Sunny fans love to the holiday season as Mac, Charlie, Dennis, Sweet…

  • J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek comes to DVD and Blu-ray

    There’s no doubt that J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek was one of the biggest movies of the summer. The epic prequel hits stores Tuesday on DVD and Blu-ray, loaded with special features and extras that are sure to please diehard Trekkers and new fans alike.

  • Clark Duke steals the show in Sex Drive

    It would be easy to dismiss Sex Drive as your typical teen sex comedy. It’s got gross-out gags, tons of sex jokes and enough nudity to score an R rating. But there’s one very important thing that the film has going for it, something that makes it worth watching regardless of how many of these…

  • Heroes season 3 DVD an essential for fans

    I admit, I was rather late to NBC’s hit superpower series Heroes. Despite being somewhat intrigued by the “save the cheerleader, save the world” promos that were everywhere a few years back, I hadn’t seen a single episode until this summer when I started watching online through Netflix. Since then, I’ve not only watched all…
