Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The new HBO Film, “Phil Spector,” premieres on Sunday, March 24th at 9PM. This could get weird!
‘Google and The World Brain’ documentary to screen at The 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
Zombies need love too! Warm Bodies opens Feb. 1st.
Trailer for ‘The Incredible Burt Wonderstone’ has stacked the deck with an all star cast. Opens March 15th.
Release it already!!!
Relive the 100 of the cheesiest movie lines of all time in just 10 minutes with this video.
What happens when your dad doesn’t have ‘a very particular set of skills’ and you happen to be kidnapped in Paris? This happens.
Stallone says ‘The Expendables 2’ will “bring back that old-time rock & roll action” in this behind-the-scenes featurette.
Not only did we spot our favorite wild card, Charlie Day, coming out of the Hard Rock, but we also got pics of the sexiest werewolf to ever grace an HDTV screen, Joe Manganiello. Check out this gallery of pics from Comic Con Saturday.
Check out our pics from Friday at San Diego Comic Con, including a few snaps of Gerard Way for all you MCR fans. Follow @trashwire on Twitter and like us on Facebook for pics, videos and more.