Category: Movies

  • The guys from Horrible Bosses talk Aniston

    The guys from Horrible Bosses talk Aniston

    Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day sat down with MTV to talk about their new movie, Horrible Bosses. In this clip, they talk about swapping “talent spit” with Jennifer Aniston. Our review of Horrible Bosses is coming Friday to

  • Labyrinth turns 25

    Labyrinth turns 25

    When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was Labyrinth, starring David Bowie. The combination of Bowie and Jim Henson basically blew my mind. This week, Labyrinth turned 25 years old. Clearly, it didn’t just have an impact on me…

  • Rock of Ages producer talks big screen adaptation

    Rock of Ages producer talks big screen adaptation

    Rock of Ages made a huge splash on Broadway and is already being adapted into a film with a star-studded cast including Tom Cruise, Paul Giamatti, Russell Brand, Mary J. Blige, Malin Akerman, Bryan Cranston, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Alec Baldwin. The musical recently kicked off its run at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts,…

  • Green Lantern confuses CG for story

    Green Lantern confuses CG for story

    It’s not every day we get to be excited for a new comic book movie like Green Lantern. No, we only get that excitement once every couple of months when Hollywood decides to churn out a new CGI-filled comic book adaptation. With a cast of Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, and Peter Sarsgaard with Martin Campbell…

  • The Muppets – Being Green

    The Muppets take on the Green Lantern in this new parody trailer…

  • Abrams pays tribute to Spielberg in Super 8

    Abrams pays tribute to Spielberg in Super 8

    Super 8 has been one of the most highly-anticipated movies of the year. In true J.J. Abrams style, the trailer gave audiences just enough to drive them crazy with curiosity. What was in that train car? We had to know! Now the Steven Spielberg-produced film is finally out and audiences everywhere get to see what…

  • What’s the Super 8 secret? Stars discuss theories in this clip

    A giant lion? An animal hoarder? Chuck Norris? Maybe it’s Justin Bieber? The cast of Super 8 discusses some of the craziest theories about the Super 8 mystery creature trying to escape from the train.

  • Lightning doesn’t strike twice for Hangover II

    Lightning doesn’t strike twice for Hangover II

    Have you ever gone on vacation somewhere and had the best time ever? You got to relax, forget all about work and do something fun for a change. In fact, it was so fun that you vowed to go back, but when you returned the next year, it was nowhere near as fun as the…

  • The Beaver: WTF?!

    The Beaver: WTF?!

    Mel Gibson has lost his mind. At least his character, Walter Black, has lost his mind in the film The Beaver. Walter has been battling severe depression and has lost his will to live. After a failed suicide attempt, he stumbles upon a beaver puppet in a dumpster and begins to live vicariously through his…

  • Chicks rule in Bridesmaids

    Chicks rule in Bridesmaids

    Some people say that women aren’t funny. In fact, in the grand history of comedy, women have been mostly relegated to playing girlfriends and wives of the leading men. Even today, many of comedy’s female stars are considered hot chicks first and comediennes second. If Hollywood does make a movie with a predominately female cast,…
