Category: Movies

  • Thor is great action movie fun

    Thor is great action movie fun

    When I first saw the 2010 remake of Clash of the Titans, I was sure it was a comedy. The ridiculous accents, the over-the-top action, the beards, all of it felt intentionally bad. Unfortunately, it seems like the filmmakers didn’t realize what a bad movie they had made. Thor is an entirely different story, an…

  • The times are a changin’ in The Last New Yorker

    The times are a changin’ in The Last New Yorker

    It’s always hard when you realize you’re growing older. Everything around you is changing. The city you grew up in isn’t the same. All the mom and pop shops you used to frequent are selling out to the newest, biggest franchise. Life is passing you by. This is what’s happening to lifelong friends Lenny and…

  • Bridesmaids review coming soon

    Our review of Bridesmaids, starring Kristen Wiig, hits Trashwire May 13th. For now, check out this trailer and tell us if you’re excited to see the movie.

  • Behind the scenes of The Hobbit

    Check out this new video with loads of behind-the-scenes footage from the set of The Hobbit.

  • McBride goes medieval in Your Highness

    McBride goes medieval in Your Highness

    Making a sword and sorcery comedy with Oscar-caliber actors can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you know you’ve got the best, most talented, and highly acclaimed cast available, but occasionally, they can make silly lines sound a little too professional. David Gordon Green’s Your Highness benefits and suffers from talent.

  • Arthur fails to take off

    Arthur fails to take off

    Let’s just say you’re on a flight from LAX to JFK. You’ve got 5 hours and your laptop battery is halfway dead. Then the flight attendants hand out the headphones and tell you your in-flight entertainment will be the remake of Arthur, starring Russell Brand. Or maybe it’s late on a work night and you…

  • The Big Something utilizes unique AZ locations

    The Big Something utilizes unique AZ locations

    Travis Mills is a young, up-and-coming director and writer from Phoenix, Arizona. He’s the cofounder of both Running Wild Films and GUERRILLASTAR PRODUCTIONS, both based out of the Phoenix area, although GUERRILASTAR has roots in New York as well. I first came across the work of Mills at the 2010 Arizona Underground Film Festival, which…

  • Phoenix Film Festival returns to the desert

    Phoenix Film Festival returns to the desert

    The Phoenix Film Festival returns to the desert for the 11th straight year from March 31-April 7, 2011 at the Harkins Scottsdale 101 Theatre. The Phoenix Film Festival has rapidly been growing over the past decade, quickly becoming a favorite of many filmmakers. In past years the festival has showcased films from all over the…

  • See Kate Winslet in Mildred Pierce tonight on HBO

    Academy Award winner Kate Winslet stars as Mildred Pierce in the HBO miniseries, which kicks off at 9pm ET tonight on HBO. The 1945 film version, adapted from the 1941 novel by James M. Cain, won Joan Crawford an Academy Award. Check out this making-of featurette after the jump.

  • Sucker Punch might miss the masses

    Sucker Punch might miss the masses

    Sucker Punch is not for everyone—let’s just get that out there right away. The film feels like Russ Meyer’s adaptation of a graphic novel version of Kill Bill.  Mix in a little Inception and some Alice in Wonderland, then throw in director Zack Snyder’s special brand of visual artistry and you’ve got a film that…
