Category: Movies

  • Casino Jack struggles with pacing

    Casino Jack struggles with pacing

    The world of D.C. lobbyists is filled with slick, fast-talking, callous, sleaze bags getting into high-stakes sexy action while exchanging money and extravagant gifts for political favors… well, according to Hollywood anyway. Most of the time, it seems like they’d fit in better with Ari Gold on Entourage than they do on Capitol Hill. It’s…

  • A slice of TRON: Legacy

    As most of you know, I wasn’t a huge fan of TRON: Legacy. One of the reasons was that it felt like a Matrix rip off instead of something that evolved from the visually rad original TRON. In addition, I felt like the characters and the plot were secondary to the effects. It had your…

  • TRON: Legacy can’t live up to innovative original

    TRON: Legacy can’t live up to innovative original

    Through out film history, there have been films that have changed the game using technological innovations. Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings and more recently Avatar became milestones for filmmaking because they used new technology to show us things beyond our wildest dreams. The original TRON was very innovative when it was released…

  • The Black Swan meets Showgirls

    Showgirls | Black Swan Trailer MASH UP from Jeffrey McHale on Vimeo.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides first look photos

    Synopsis: Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Rob Marshall, “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” captures the fun, adventure and humor that ignited the hit franchise—this time in Disney Digital 3D™. Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise. When…

  • Stunning stars make The Tourist worth watching

    Stunning stars make The Tourist worth watching

    If Madonna thought Rita Hayworth “gave good face”, I can only imagine her reaction to Angelina Jolie in The Tourist. Like Mr. & Mrs. Smith, this film takes two really, really, ridiculously good looking people, Jolie and Johnny Depp, and pairs them in an sometimes romantic, sometimes comedic espionage thriller.

  • Portman pulls off outstanding performance in The Black Swan

    Portman pulls off outstanding performance in The Black Swan

    There’s already talk of Natalie Portman getting a Oscar nomination for her performance in Darren Aronofsky’s psychological thriller The Black Swan and with good reason, she’s amazing in it.

  • Tangled carries on the tradition of Disney princess movies

    Tangled carries on the tradition of Disney princess movies

    I grew up during the golden age of the Disney princess. From Ariel to Belle to Jasmine, my childhood was filled with big-eyed, tiny-waisted damsels in distress who always fell in love with a boy outside of their sheltered world, or outside of their species in some cases. Let’s face it, nobody does animated fairy…

  • Denver filmmaker celebrates first feature film, We Are the Sea

    Denver filmmaker celebrates first feature film, We Are the Sea

    Making a film is hard, making an independent film is even harder, and making your first independent film can seem damn near impossible. For Colorado filmmaker Neil Truglio, the journey from concept to film festival took seven years and the blood, sweat and tears of a very generous cast and crew. When all was said…

  • Mega stars master Megamind

    Mega stars master Megamind

    Every animated film, no matter how well-written, can be made or broken by its cast. Back in the days of Disney animated classics like Beauty and the Beast, each part was played by a talented voice over actor who made a career out of over-the-top cartoon voices. These days, the fun of animated films is…
