Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The release of Machete could not have been more perfectly timed. With the immigration debate reigning as media’s hot button de jour, a film that makes a bold political statement with stellar filmmaking and performances is sure to stir up some controversy.
Back in 2004 Joseph Wilson’s book The Politics of Truth was released. The book is a personal memoir about how Wilson claims to have evidence that Iraq was not trying to buy uranium from Niger despite what former President Bush said in his 2003 State of the Union. It is because of this evidence Wilson…
Pee-wee Goes to Sturgis from Pee-wee Herman
Our review of Scott Pilgrim vs the World is up now on! Click HERE to read it! Fatluggage’s interview with the Scott Pilgrim cast is HERE
I’m just gonna go ahead and say it: Scott Pilgrim vs the World is one of my favorite movies this year. The quick editing, unique visual style, impressive cast and seeing Michael Cera take a welcome departure from the usual charmingly befuddled geeky character make this film a total knock out.
It’s too bad The Expendables isn’t billed as a comedy, because it’s one of the funniest movies I’ve seen all year. Imagine if Tommy Wiseau was picked to write and direct The A-Team, but at the last second, they couldn’t secure the rights, so they had to make a low-budget rip off with aging action…
Since we just published our Scott Pilgrim vs the World cast interview, here’s another interview with the cast that didn’t go so well.. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World vs. Funny or Die from Michael Cera Ah, more reasons to love Funny or Die.
Scott Pilgrim vs the World was getting a lot of buzz long before it screened at Comic Con in July. Adapted from Brian Lee O’Malley’s hugely popular comic, the film is about Scott (Michael Cera), a Toronto native who’s dating a high school girl (Ellen Wong as Knives Chau) when he falls for a cool…