Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Sex and the City 2 delivered the ultimate voyage full of fashion, romance, and the true power of friendship. This is to be expected when walking into a brand new episode in the life of this Manhattan foursome.
No, it’s not a remake… a sing-a-long version of Grease is coming to selected theaters for a two week engagement. Check out the trailer below… GREASE SING-A-LONG
A good neo-noir film is dark, both visually and thematically. It will typically involve murder, suspicion, and betrayal and will contain lots of tense moments when you can see the characters getting in over their heads. Australian indie The Square, directed by Nash Edgerton, definitely fits this bill.
There’s no question that Iron Man 2 will be a huge hit, in fact, many have predicted that it will have the biggest opening weekend of all time. If the first film is any indication, it will probably be a blockbuster smash that generates hundreds of millions of dollars. Like the first film, Iron Man…
Hate it or love it, the Twilight saga is a phenomenon. Check out the trailer for the latest chapter, Eclipse:
Any filmmaker will tell you, it’s hard to please film critics. Sure, audiences might love your film, but nerdy film geeks like myself might hold it to a different standard. Impressing one critic is tough, but try impressing all three of the regular writers at Trashwire. Wil, Chris and I all had the chance to…
This past Thursday the Phoenix Film Festival kicked off their 10th Anniversary at the Harkins Scottsdale 101 in Phoenix, Arizona. Over the past ten years the Phoenix Film Festival has given many Phoenicians the chance to see great independent films such as (500) Days of Summer, Do It For Uncle Manny, Bronson, and American Teen…
It’s no secret that I love Tina Fey. As she so brilliantly put in it 30 Rock, “she is my heroine, and by that I mean lady hero and not that I want to inject her and listen to jazz.” The new comedy Date Night teams her up with Steve Carell in what might seem…
Dreamworks has always been hit or miss for me. Their latest effort How To Train Your Dragon (available in 3D) is a hit. The animated film is about a young Viking named Hiccup, voiced by Jay Baruchel (She’s Out of My League), who happens to be a little different. While most Vikings are immense warriors,…
An exclusive preview of Predators, produced by Robert Rodriguez and directed by Nimród Antal, showed at the intimate Alamo Ritz on Friday March 12th to a packed house. The filmmakers, along with Fox Searchlight Pictures, introduced two trailers, a scene, and announced a possible July 7th theater date.