Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
There’s no such thing as an objective documentary. Every documentary, right down to the ones about wild animals roaming the tundra, has been injected with some opinion because every documentary is composed of shots and scenes edited together to create a sort of story. Michael Moore is a master of piecing these elements together to…
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The film 9 was first an Academy Award winning short of the same title by director Shane Acker. The short took the non-verbal Wall-E route while the new seventy-nine-minute feature consists of an entire ensemble. Although the voice acting adds to the experience of the film, the action, mystery, and originality of 9 evokes what…
In honor of tomorrow’s release of 9, check out director Shane Acker’s short film of the same title.
It would be easy to dismiss Sex Drive as your typical teen sex comedy. It’s got gross-out gags, tons of sex jokes and enough nudity to score an R rating. But there’s one very important thing that the film has going for it, something that makes it worth watching regardless of how many of these…
I admit, I was rather late to NBC’s hit superpower series Heroes. Despite being somewhat intrigued by the “save the cheerleader, save the world” promos that were everywhere a few years back, I hadn’t seen a single episode until this summer when I started watching online through Netflix. Since then, I’ve not only watched all…
If any of you are wondering why it took me so long to get this review of Inglourious Basterds on Trashwire, the answer is that I’ve spend the last four days trying to think of how to sum up my feelings about the film without superfluous use of words like “amazing” or “awesome”. The performances…
Eight years after running off the stage screaming during a high school production of “The Wiz,” Marc Pease still finds himself living in the past. This is the plot of the new film The Marc Pease Experience, directed by Todd Louiso (Love Liza) and starring the always great, Jason Schwartzman as the title character, Marc…
Based on the trailer for Taking Woodstock, you might think it’s a comedy. Casting Demetri Martin as the lead might cement this assumption. The film may also seem like an epic biographical piece set to revolutionize the genre of setting films during the “Woodstock Era”. But, in reality, Taking Woodstock isn’t exactly either of those…