Category: Movies

  • Brad Pitt steals the show in Burn After Reading

    The tag line for the star-studded Coen Brothers film ‘Burn After Reading’ is “intelligence is relative”. Certainly that statement is very fitting for this smart film about stupid people. Like a warped version of ‘The Man Who Knew Too Little’ meets ‘The Big Lebowski’, the film retains all the unique characters and plot twists of…

  • Sexy Jesus leads the troupe in Hamlet 2

    If you’ve heard anything about Hamlet 2, it’s probably that the film was co-written by South Park alum Pam Brady. While some of the Jesus jokes and musical numbers might be reminiscent of everyone’s favorite foul-mouthed fourth graders, the film actually has little in common with the iconic animated show.

  • ‘Pineapple Express’ a killer bud comedy

    The great “Movie Stoner Duo Hall of Fame” includes Cheech and Chong, Jay and Silent Bob, Harold and Kumar, and now Dale and Saul, the main characters in the ridiculously funny Pineapple Expresss. The brilliant team from Superbad is back with a brand new stoner comedy that is weird, outrageous and bizarre, all while being…

  • ‘Pineapple Express’ a killer bud comedy

    ‘Pineapple Express’ a killer bud comedy

    The great “Movie Stoner Duo Hall of Fame” includes Cheech and Chong, Jay and Silent Bob, Harold and Kumar, and now Dale and Saul, the main characters in the ridiculously funny Pineapple Expresss. The brilliant team from Superbad is back with a brand new stoner comedy that is weird, outrageous and bizarre, all while being…

  • Film on the Rocks – Labyrinth with Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra

    From Alexis’ blog: UPDATE: I loaded the iPhone pics from the most recent Film on the Rocks. This time I’ve got some great shots of Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra and their cool goblin puppets. I’ve also included some shots of 1986 David Bowie from Labyrinth. Check it out in the Film on the…

  • All Harrison Ford movie posters are created equal

    While browsing Netflix today, I discovered that the poster/cover art for almost all Harrison Ford movies is pretty much the same. It’s a picture of Ford, usually in black and white but sometimes in color, furrowing his brow and looking kind of concerned. Then there’s some kind of red text or additional graphic element to…

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster: a documentary on steroids

    You could say Chris Bell’s Bigger, Stronger, Faster is like a documentary on steroids. Not only is it full of information, but performance enhancements are the subject matter… read more | digg story

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster: a documentary on steroids

    Bigger, Stronger, Faster: a documentary on steroids

    You could say Chris Bell’s Bigger, Stronger, Faster is like a documentary on steroids. Not only is it full of information, but performance enhancements are the subject matter. The doc follows Bell and his two brothers Mike and Mark, who always looked up to guys like Hulk Hogan or Arnold Schwarzenegger and now strive to…

  • Argento’s ‘The Mother of Tears’ : blood, guts & entertainment

    Italian filmmaker Dario Argento is hailed by film geeks as a pioneer of bloody horror movies. While my fellow film nerds have given him a cult following, his newest film, The Mother of Tears, should appeal to all audiences who love gallons of fake blood and guts. read more | digg story

  • The Mother of Tears : blood, guts, and entertainment

    Italian filmmaker Dario Argento is hailed by film geeks as a pioneer of bloody horror movies. In fact, he is even proclaimed a master in a great scene from Juno. While my fellow film nerds have given him a cult following, his newest film, The Mother of Tears, should appeal to all audiences who love…
