Category: Movies

  • ‘Pirates of the Great Salt Lake’

    I was really bummed because I missed this film at the Toofy Film Festival in Boulder this September, but it looked super funny. Check out this trailer and you’ll see what I mean. If anyone has seen it, I’d love to hear about it. And… if anyone knows where I can catch it in or…

  • Vintage Trashwire Review – Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

    When George Lucas decided to revive the Star Wars saga, it was his goal to give fans a back-story of how exactly Anakin Skywalker transformed into Darth Vader. We knew how the story ended, but he wanted to show everyone how it began. Unfortunately for Lucas, the new Star Wars trilogy was, by most accounts,…

  • Vintage Trashwire – The Room is the Citizen Kane of crap

    At Trashwire, we love bad movies. Bad acting, bad direction, bad costumes, bad music; all these elements are important in creating a work of true cinema trash. While there are some bad movies that are just a cut above the rest, Showgirls comes to mind, there is one movie that I can safely declare as…
