Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
New article on Trashwire! Alexis’ review of Rock of Love Bus… Whenever I think reality tv has hit rock bottom, something new comes on that takes it to an all new low. The latest contender is Rock of Love Bus on VH1. The show follows Bret Michaels (who used to be known for being the…
Whenever I think reality tv has hit rock bottom, something new comes on that takes it to an all new low. The latest contender is Rock of Love Bus on VH1. The show follows Bret Michaels (who used to be known for being the lead singer of Poison but is now a puffy, middle aged…
Here’s a few clips of Vanilla Ice performing live at the Pepsi Center during halftime at the Denver Nuggets game tonight. Totally the highlight of my week! While he was on stage, I flashed back to myself as a kid in the early 90s dancing to this song and thinking he was so hot. Then…
Proof that The Dudes of TheLonelyIsland are the best thing that’s happened to SNL since Tina Fey.
Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. Trashwire has always had much love for My Chemical Romance,…
Normally, it’s a bad idea when celebrities blog. They typically have nothing to say, can’t seem to figure out the shift key, and use sentences that run on like a marathon athlete. There are, however, a few exceptions and this is certainly one of them. I know Trashwire always has much love for My Chemical…
The ride is not often joyous, but it is intensely interesting and, at times, emotional. The documentary, made by film makers Chris Bagley and Kim Shively, tells a very personal story of an oversized man, who has faced oversized adversities in his life in Chicago. A diagnosed schizophrenic who creates a following on a near…
Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. Read Pat Sue Gentry’s write-up about the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards here, or on the Trashwire Blog.
Trashwire’s own Pat Sue Gentry shares her thoughts on the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards… Watching the VMAs last night was, in a word, torture. The only saving grace was Russell Brand, who managed to actually be entertaining during the ignominious joke of a ceremony we were all watching. At times it was more like…
From Alexis’ blog: UPDATE: I loaded the iPhone pics from the most recent Film on the Rocks. This time I’ve got some great shots of Ukulele Loki and the Gadabout Orchestra and their cool goblin puppets. I’ve also included some shots of 1986 David Bowie from Labyrinth. Check it out in the Film on the…