Category: Music

  • Poser (It Takes One to Know One)

    I really like the Taking Back Sunday video for “Liar (It Takes One to Know One)”. The song is good and the video is cool and original. These kids decided to make their own version of the video, ripping on their friend Anna (who they hate). Most of it is just ok, but the quick…

  • Chris is a ‘Groovy White Boy’

    Our boy Chris is back and this time he’s showing off his sweet dance moves. A side note, this video seriously made me laugh for like 15 minutes straight. What can I say, the kid’s got skills. As always, you can find out more about Chris and see more of his videos at or…

  • Countdown to Rehab

    Greg pointed this out to me a little while ago. It’s a very drunk Paula Abdul trying to do an interview with a local news team in Seattle. I’m beginning the Countdown to Paula Abdul’s Rehab today.

  • New My Chemical Romance Video

    This just in from My Chemical Romance… My Chemical Romance’s new video for “Famous Last Words” is having its official US premiere today, Thursday the 11th, on MTV! You can catch an early taste of it today on TRL, which airs between 3:30 and 4:30 (all time zones) and then at 11:00pm in regular programming…

  • Behind the Scenes of “The Breakfast Monkey”

    Are you a fan of My Chemical Romance? Have you watched the animatic for “The Breakfast Monkey” a zillion times on YouTube and always wondered how it came to be? Well wonder no more, my friends. In this super rare clip, you can learn about the making of this great show that almost was right…

  • Vintage Trashwire Review – Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny

    When George Lucas decided to revive the Star Wars saga, it was his goal to give fans a back-story of how exactly Anakin Skywalker transformed into Darth Vader. We knew how the story ended, but he wanted to show everyone how it began. Unfortunately for Lucas, the new Star Wars trilogy was, by most accounts,…

  • Vintage Trashwire – ‘Flavor of Love’ or flavor of vomit

    Flavor of Love 2 debuted tonight on VH1 and I can safely say it was as bad as the Holocaust. First off, the girls look less like soap stars than they did last year and more like the kind of hookers that work at truck stops… in the daytime. If you put them all together…
