Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Last night marked the kick off of the 2011 RuPaul’s Drag Race tour in our fair city of Denver. Nina Flowers was in the house to watch Yara Sofia, Manila Luzon and season 3 winner Raja wow the crowd at Tracks. Check out our video clips under the jump (in chronological order so you can…
The guys from Hanson practice “Ice Ice Baby” and “Achy Breaky Heart”. It’s like a pop culture explosion!
Check out these video clips from the MCR show in Denver on April 9th. See all the videos on our Facebook page and be sure to like us while you’re there!
We all know that, besides Stefon, the Digital Shorts are the best part of SNL. This one features John Waters, Andy, Jorm and Kiv from The Lonely Island and Nicki Minaj.
During the past couple of years, many fans jumped off the American Idol train, partly because the show started to feel so formulaic and the judges seemed as uninterested as the audience. After all, the judge’s shtick got predictable to put it mildly.
If you’ve ever dreamed of watching Mike Tyson and Wayne Brady perform Bobby Brown’s “Every Little Step” then this video is for you. Every Little Step with Mike Tyson & Wayne Brady from Mike Tyson I can’t believe I’m only just discovering this video now!
We just got in this press release about a Justin Bieber singing contest in Colorado. While this might not be my cup of tea, I’m sure there are a zillion Colorado girls who would die to go to the premiere of the Justin Bieber movie in LA.
I grew up during the golden age of the Disney princess. From Ariel to Belle to Jasmine, my childhood was filled with big-eyed, tiny-waisted damsels in distress who always fell in love with a boy outside of their sheltered world, or outside of their species in some cases. Let’s face it, nobody does animated fairy…
…is going on right now. Check it out here:
Making a film is hard, making an independent film is even harder, and making your first independent film can seem damn near impossible. For Colorado filmmaker Neil Truglio, the journey from concept to film festival took seven years and the blood, sweat and tears of a very generous cast and crew. When all was said…