Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
The music video for “Na Na Na”, the first single from the upcoming My Chemical Romance album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, marks a welcome departure from the gloom and doom of The Black Parade with bright colors, a fun low-budget attitude and a new narrative style.
My Chemical Romance – New Music – More Music Videos
More videos after the jump…
Today’s featured panel was Spotlight on Gerard Way. Way, along with artist Gabriel Ba and Dark Horse’s Scott Allie, sat down to discuss The Umbrella Academy and take some questions from fans. The group talked about creating original super heroes with unique special abilities, artistic influences, the upcoming film adaptation of the comic book and lots…
Today at Comic-Con, I got to kick back and enjoy a few panels–which was lovely considering I’ve had about four hours of sleep since I got here. I had fun hearing about writing Invincible Iron Man and Avengers, saw some of the most ridiculous comics ever, learned about creating effects for Avatar and found out…
If you’ve read this site for any lengthy period of time, you know that I like My Chemical Romance. Their shows are amazing, their music is original and powerful, and their sincerity when interacting with fans is refreshing to see. Since I am of the “support your dudes” philosophy, I rushed to check out lead singer…
The upcoming Sex and the City sequel will apparently include Liza Minnelli performing Beyonce’s hit “Single Ladies”. This is just superb!
No, it’s not a remake… a sing-a-long version of Grease is coming to selected theaters for a two week engagement. Check out the trailer below… GREASE SING-A-LONG