Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Perez Hilton has this up this afternoon and I was so fascinated by the concept of a Lil’ Wayne cake that I hardly read the rest of the post. Apparently, Alec Baldwin’s daughter Ireland got this confectionary masterpiece for her birthday…. does she actually want to li-li-li-li-lick him like a lollipop or was this the…
It’s understandable that Michael Jackson’s This Is It has become a controversial issue among fans. The film showcases Jackson’s indescribable talent and creative vision, cementing his status as the most amazing entertainer of all time, but will leave audiences with a bittersweet feeling in light of his untimely death.
In some bizarre turn of events, we now have a news item that combines Kanye West’s ridiculous mic-hogging douchebaggery from last night’s VMAs and Hollywood “Wolf” Yates from American Gladiators. TMZ reports that Wolf had this to say about Kanye… “Hey this is Hollywood Yates or WOLF from American Gladiators. Just thought Kanye might want…
Thanks to AP, Janet Jackson’s outstanding tribute to Michael Jackson is already up online for anyone who missed it.
VMA 2009: Britney Spears And Russell Brand VMA 2009: Britney Spears And Russell Brand
In the tradition of the amazing “Total Eclipse of the Heart video”, here’s a literal version of Beck’s “Loser” Loser: Literal Video Version – watch more funny videos
Part 2 after the jump…
There is no way I can string together a sentence that can fittingly express just how much Michael Jackson meant to me or how deeply devastated I am by his death.
There was simply no way I could NOT post this! Also, I like how some of the videos on YouTube are titled: Bret Michaels Beheaded