Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Does he have a valid point here?
That just about covers it!
If you’ve seen Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Romeo + Juliet’ more than a few times, and we certainly have, you will be among the crowd of those counting down the days until this opens in theaters near you!
Love a movie title that lets you know exactly what the movie is all about!
The new HBO Film, “Phil Spector,” premieres on Sunday, March 24th at 9PM. This could get weird!
‘Jobs’ made its debut at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. ‘Jobs’ opens in theaters in April.
‘Google and The World Brain’ documentary to screen at The 2013 Sundance Film Festival.
Zombies need love too! Warm Bodies opens Feb. 1st.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler knock it out of the park at the Golden Globes!
‘Maniac’ has that creepy edge and shooting it all from Frank’s (Elijah Wood) POV, may make it all the more chilling. Opens sometime in 2013.