Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
We’re back at Comic Con with new pics and videos. Check out these shots from Preview Night and stay tuned to Trashwire for more info. Follow us on Twitter (@trashwire and @AlexisGentry) for live tweets from panels and more.
These are just a few of the many unanswered questions you are left with after seeing ‘Prometheus’. Any you would like to add?
It has been so long since we’ve seen Orlando Bloom in his long blonde wig (girly sigh).
Yes, Tarantino, you have our attention!
The guys are back, ‘roided up and raring to go in The Expendables 2. Check out this new trailer for the film and a bonus “Made in America” fan-made trailer.
“My hair could lift a car off a baby if it had to.” Can’t wait to see this movie. Opens August 10th!
It may be short on audible dialog, but there is sure to be plenty of action!
To groom or not to groom? That may be the question in Morgan Spurlock’s new documentary opening in select theaters May 18th.
For those who didn’t know, our friends/contributors Brett Walker and Chris Coffel are making a movie and you can support the film by making a donation at Brett and Chris are totally rad dudes and I encourage everyone who likes Trashwire to hook them up! But, as LeVar Burton would say on Reading Rainbow,…
San Diego’s favorite anchor man is coming back for another round.