Movie reviews, Whatcha Watchin podcast, and more
Roger Ebert, who co-wrote my favorite Russ Meyer movie, posted a link to the E! True Hollywood Story of Russ Meyer on Twitter today in celebration of the great breast enthusiast and cinematic rebel. Definitely worth checking out.
Here’s the first trailer for Tim Burton’s big screen adaptation of Dark Shadows, starring Johnny Depp.
Our review of ‘Friends With Kids’ is up now on Trashwire. In short, the film is a pretty big disappointment. Read ours and then check out this spot-on review from What the Flick.
Here’s ten whole minutes of ‘John Carter’ for your viewing pleasure.
Crazy, kooky time travel, mind eraser jokes, “I’m getting too old for this”! Did they write this movie by taking quotes from various other movie trailers and combining them into a feature film?
Check out this brand spankin’ new trailer for The Amazing Spiderman, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone and directed by Marc Webb. The film is in theaters nationwide on July 3, 2012.
Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody have teamed up again for ‘Young Adult’ starring Charlize Theron. Check out the trailer here.
The documentary ‘American Juggalo’ has been getting a lot of buzz and it really is fascinating. I would make a joke about meth or white trash, but frankly, I’m scared of them. Watch this and tell me if it’s not the most bizarre 23 minutes of your day. It’s horrifying and disturbing for so many…
‘Contagion’ hits theaters today and Warner Bros. has thought of a brilliant way to promote the film by creating this living billboard out of bacteria. Check out how they merged science and advertising to create this piece of art.
Nick Swardson is promoting his movie, Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star, by taking a ride in the Bang Van, but things don’t go according to plan. Best line: “Why can’t I just get banged?!”