Category: New Movies

  • What’s the Super 8 secret? Stars discuss theories in this clip

    A giant lion? An animal hoarder? Chuck Norris? Maybe it’s Justin Bieber? The cast of Super 8 discusses some of the craziest theories about the Super 8 mystery creature trying to escape from the train.

  • New Super 8 clip

    Check out this new clip from Super 8 before it opens this Friday.

  • New season of South Park starts tomorrow!

    Tomorrow’s episode is entitled “HUMANCENTiPAD”. I guess we all should have known Trey Parker and Matt Stone would have to do something about the iPad craze and, of course, tie it in with Human Centipede. Watch a quick preview under the jump…

  • Bridesmaids review coming soon

    Our review of Bridesmaids, starring Kristen Wiig, hits Trashwire May 13th. For now, check out this trailer and tell us if you’re excited to see the movie.

  • Super available on demand

    The new film Super, starring Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler and Kevin Bacon is available on demand now. Here’s a quick synopsis: In the outlandish dark comedy SUPER, James Gunn has created what is perhaps the definitive take on self-reflexive superheroes. When sad-sack loser Frank (Rainn Wilson) sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler) willingly…

  • Press release: HBO doc Saving Pelican 895 airs April 20th

    More than 7,000 birds were killed as a result of the April 2010 BP oil spill that spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico. But after three months, cleanup workers at the Fort Jackson Oiled Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Louisiana had rescued 894 surviving oiled pelicans. HBO Documentary Films presents the story of the effort to…

  • Behind the scenes of The Hobbit

    Check out this new video with loads of behind-the-scenes footage from the set of The Hobbit.

  • Posters and images from Immortals

    About Immortals: Visionary director Tarsem Singh (The Cell, The Fall) and producers Gianni Nunnari (300), Mark Canton (300) and Ryan Kavanaugh (The Fighter) unleash an epic tale of treachery, vengeance and destiny in Immortals, a stylish and spectacular 3-D adventure. As a power-mad king razes ancient Greece in search of a legendary weapon, a heroic…

  • New Captain America pics

    Check out these new photos from Captain America: The First Avenger!

  • Sucker Punch review coming soon

    Our review of Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch is coming tomorrow to, but for now, check out what Snyder and the cast had to say about the movie.
